Biden touts he economy he shaped after yet another positive jobs report

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So, where to begin? President Joe Biden, no stranger to trumpeting accomplishments, seized upon an encouraging jobs report last Friday. He did so with gusto from the White House, as he penned his farewell address to the nation.

Isn’t it intriguing that Biden’s reign is the only one in American history that saw jobs created each month? His final national address, slated for 8 p.m. ET this Wednesday, is expected to be insightful.

Let us not forget the essential details about Mr. Biden’s journey. The man’s been in national politics for over half a century. From his surprising Senate victory in Delaware circa 1972, to decades in the Senate, then onwards to the vice presidency under Mr. Obama, followed finally by the presidency.

During Friday’s economic oration in the Roosevelt Room of the West Wing, he candidly asked, “How and why did we make such progress?” His response was that they junked the trickle-down economics, favouring reforms from the middle and bottom upwards.

He mentioned Kamala too. Together, with their administration, they championed a fresh economic playbook. A marvellous sentiment it is, couldn’t agree more.

Biden faces his own reflections on foreign policy during his final week, with more emphasis placed on American alliances and leadership restoration. A senior administration official described a challenging position Biden faced initially. There was a global pandemic and, frankly, alliances had been bruised during Trump’s prior administration. Yet, Biden’s administration sought to reclaim America’s standing on the world stage.

Returning to the economy: one remembers the President’s hailing of the lowest average unemployment rates. Through pandemic adversity, war in Ukraine and supply chain upheavals, inflation saw a commendable decrease. Impressive, isn’t it?

While he believes he leaves behind the world’s strongest economy, his foreign policy legacy will certainly be articulated come Monday. Moreover, he aims to illustrate how they resuscitated NATO, expanding alliances against aggressive Russian action.

However, a bookend presidential trip to Rome was, unfortunately, scrapped due to the need to manage federal responses to wildfires in Los Angeles. Challenging times, indeed.

Interestingly, he might touch upon Afghanistan. The withdrawal, pivotal albeit criticized, notably impacted his approval ratings after a tragic event at Kabul Airport saw the loss of 13 U.S. Marines.

As we anticipate Biden’s reflections, one can’t ignore the impending transition on US soil. In a mere 10 days, Trump returns, and Biden, undeterred by the past, shall attend his inauguration. A testament to democratic ideals, one hopes.

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